Do we need to be on Facebook?

The big trend for getting your business on Facebook, among other social media, can hardly go un-noticed. How does it apply to YOUR business?

Lots and lots of businesses now are getting on Facebook. Some because they understand the benefits, and how to use the medium effectively - some simply because they're told they should. Many haven't at all because they either don't appreciate what it can do for their business, don't know how or can't dedicate the time to find out - all of those amount to the same thing.

So why should your business be on Facebook?

1. Interact with current and potential customers
Facebook is a stable, available forum to interact with customers, potential customers and reach beyond those. You can keep in touch with these people, share news and updates, and respond to questions, feedback and comments all in the one place. Even better is that the 'reach' extends well beyond those who simply 'like' your page

2. It's accessible from everywhere
Well, almost everywhere... any computer, mobile device, smartphone, internet-connected TV, so people check their Facebook news feed from home, work, at the pub, while waiting for the dentist or in between ad breaks. 'Push' notifications mean that even those people with their Facebook apps turned 'off' still get essential messages sent to their phone screens.

3. Targeted Advertising
Facebook advertising allows you to build highly targeted campaigns based on demographics, likes and interest groups. For some businesses this can be more effective than keyword search advertising campaigns (eg. Google AdWords).

4. Competition
If you're thinking about a Facebook page for your business, your competitors are probably doing the same. You don't want your company to be the one that gets left out of the discussion, just like you don't want your potential customers thinking you're not keeping up.

5. Helps with SEO rankings
You want your customers to be able to find your business online as easily as possible. An active Facebook page helps to ensure that search engines like Google and Bing place you higher in their rankings. The more often you appear on the internet through online business directories and social media sites (inc. Facebook and LinkedIn), and the more locations that link back to your own website, the more credibility you establish with the search engines.

6. It's easy.
Well, it can be worked through with a bit of patience and doesn't need a programmer to do it, but if you have better things to do with your time just ask us at Cohesion and we can get all your social media setup in one swoop - including a Blog, Twitter and LinkedIn.

7. It's FREE.
And since not much is these days, use whatever you can. Note: Facebook advertising is not free.

8. It's collaborative
All your social media should work together, but it does take ongoing management as well which often means dedicating time to it each week to make sure it's being used effectively. If you have no one available to do this within your organisation, consider a regular social marketing updates package with Cohesion.

Most importantly - Just because you're not on Facebook, or don't believe in it personally, that's no reason to ignore it. Likewise, if you think you don't have time for it ask yourself if you would also not have time to answer the phone in your office - both lead to opportunities to engage potential customers!


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